Global & LAC Datahub
About the database
The Global and LAC Datahub is an open data resource designed to offer insights into the economic and political landscape of Latin American countries within the global context. By providing comprehensive data, analyses, and visualizations the Georgetown Americas Institute (GAI) aims to empower stakeholders to make informed decisions, identify emerging trends, navigate complex global challenges, and gain confidence in understanding the evolving economic and political landscape in the following key areas:
- Geopolitics: Data on military spending, UN voting patterns, freedom and democracy indicators, trade restrictions, social unrest, property rights, and demographic trends;
- Trade and Production: Trade data, energy balances, GDP per capita, and trade patterns;
- External Accounts: Current account balances, foreign investment flows, real exchange rates, international reserves, and remittances;
- Public Finance: Public sector deficits, public debt composition, country risk, and trends in public spending;
- Monetary and Financial: Inflation rates, monetary policy interest rates, exchange rate regimes, credit availability, corporate bond rates, and public and corporate debt amortizations;
- Other Topics: Data on digital infrastructure, environmental sustainability, and progress toward the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The curators of this project are Alejandro Werner, GAI founding director, Antoni Estevadeordal, GAI resident fellow, Sebastian Galiani, professor of economics at University of Maryland, and Luciano Cohan, co-founder of Alphacast.
Powered by Alphacast
This project is powered by Alphacast, whose cutting-edge technology and expertise in data management and analysis play a critical role in delivering the insights and visualizations that make this database an invaluable resource.